Looking for temporary, affordable, and secured storage space?  You’ve come to the right place!

We connect those in need of storage space with those who have extra storage space to rent.

These spaces can vary from traditional storage warehouses, empty office spaces, to extra garage ports and even bedroom closets.

If you think about it, just about any available open space can be a place for you to rent.

Whether it’s a period of transition (i.e. product/inventory holding, waiting for escrow to close before a big move, waiting for your new dorm room/apartment to be vacated before you can move in, etc…) to longer-term storage needs (because you’re simply out of garage space and you have too much stuff), we’ll help you find that perfect spot to securely store your stuff.

Looking for Storage Space? 

Search through our listings and simply checkout through our secured payment gateway whenever you’re ready to book.

Have space to rent and want to make some extra cash? 

Create an account with us (completely free) to begin posting your listings.

Have questions? 

We’d love to hear from you.  Send us a message through our contact form.

Your secured storage solution provider,